As a strategic Cognex PSI (Partner System Integrator), Pumas/FAS were invited to Cognex Techday 2022 held at Le Meridian Phuket on 12th May 2022. Representing Pumas/FAS were engineers from Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines offices, attended this meeting with Cognex ASEAN/ANZ regional team to discuss the industrial technology demand, direction and support, specifically for South East Asia regions’ customers, in achieving their IIOT and Industry 4.0 needs. This meeting ended with Cognex launching their latest industrial vision system and ID reader in ASEAN/ANZ market; In-Sight 2800 and DataMan 280.
In-Sight 2800 puts the power of a full-featured vision system into an easy-to-use package that gets applications running in minutes. The combination of deep learning and traditional vision tools gives users the flexibility to solve a broad range of inspection applications – operators simply select the tool designed to deliver the highest possible accuracy for their task. Tools can be used individually for simple jobs or chained together for more complex logic sequences. The toolset also includes ViDi EL Classify. Using as few as five images, this powerful classifying tool can be trained to identify and sort defects into different categories and correctly identify parts with variation. The ability to classify by multiple features or characteristics allows users to solve more tasks with a single vision solution. The new In-Sight 2800 system also offers a wide variety of accessories and field-changeable components to help users adapt quickly to changes such as new parts, faster line speeds and higher quality standards.
The DataMan 280 features a high-resolution sensor combined with a dynamic image formation system to improve code handling and coverage. This technology, along with connectivity options for today’s Industry 4.0 manufacturing needs, allows users to read complex barcodes reliably while improving overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and throughput.